Sustainability at Virtalent

One of our aims at Virtalent is to promote sustainability and be as socially responsible as we can.  The government is working towards a net zero carbon economy by 2050, and we are dedicated to playing our part in this.

As a fully virtual business, we are able to say, hand on heart, that we are committed to sustainable working.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

As a business, our carbon footprint is massively reduced, as nobody in the business commutes to and from a workplace.   This is true, not only for our employees, but also our 200+ strong team of Virtual Assistants.

All face-to-face communication with clients, employees and our team of Virtual Assistants is managed online, using virtual meeting rooms, thus reducing the need to unnecessarily travel across the country or even globally, for meetings.


We are also a paperless business and all communication, agreements and documentation is managed without the need to unnecessarily print onto paper.

Employees aren’t provided with printers, to ensure that all documents and processes remain paperless.  

Our paperless work ethos,  not only reduces deforestation, saves transport costs, reduces pollution and water usage.  But also, saves on unnecessary waste and the effects that this has on landfill. 

 The ink used to print on paper also uses fossil fuels and other chemicals, all having a negative impact on the environment.


    All of the computer equipment used at Virtalent is logged and we are able to ensure that any equipment that is not being used, can be re-assigned across the team and allocated to new employees.  We always look to use equipment from this pool, to be upcycled, rather than make unnecessary purchases of new equipment, unless absolutely necessary.

      Energy Reduction

      With no physical premises, we are hugely saving on the use of unnecessary energy consumption. We are not having to run lots of energy-sucking equipment, power up a huge office ceiling full of lights or switch on air conditioning, all of which take an exceptional amount of power.  We all work mindfully, from our home offices, keeping energy consumption as low as possible.

        Our Pledge

        We pledge to always ensure that Virtalent remains as sustainable as it can possibly be and are looking at ways to support this ethos, as the business continues to grow.

        It’s imperative that we continue to find new ways to ensure that we are evolving, learning and making changes, towards our mission to be a sustainable business.