Every entrepreneur or business owner, whether just starting or seasoned in the business world, encounters the fear of failure at some point in their career.

Whether you operate in the bustling streets of London or the peaceful, quiet countryside of Yorkshire, the fear of failure remains a shared sentiment among every business owner.

In fact, 1 in 3 adults is stopped from starting a business in the first place due to the fear of failure. This fear isn't confined to any specific industry or location but permeates the global entrepreneurial ecosystem. The worry arises not just from potential financial loss but also from the potential damage to people’s reputation, self-esteem, and prospects.

Yet, it's essential to note that some of the most celebrated business owners have faced massive failures before achieving their success. Bill Gates, for instance, had his first venture, Traf-O-Data, fall apart before he co-founded Microsoft. Richard Branson, for all his successes, also has a catalogue of failures in the Virgin brand.

These examples underline that setbacks, mistakes, and even outright failures are often key to the entrepreneurial journey. Embracing and learning from them, rather than fearing them, can pave the way to long-term success.

Why Is Fear Of Failure So Common Amongst Small Business Owners?

There are many reasons that fear of failure is so common. These are more developed fears about specific aspects of running a business, but at the root, our fear is hardwired from our primeval brain. Historically, fear played a crucial role in our survival. It alerted us to dangers, like predators or environmental threats, ensuring our ancestors took necessary precautions. In today's modern world, while we're not typically running from predators, these deep-rooted instincts still influence our reactions. The stakes may have changed, but the primitive response to perceived threats, like business failure, remains.

The Weight Of Personal Responsibility

Small business owners are deeply intertwined with their companies. Unlike large corporations, where blame can be dispersed, every decision in a small business often falls on one person. The success or failure of the business feels like a direct reflection of their choices, making the stakes significantly higher.

Identity & Self-Worth

For many entrepreneurs, their business isn't just a venture; it's an extension of themselves. Their identity is tied to the business. When challenges arise, it's not uncommon for owners to question their worth and capabilities, given how personal the venture is to them.

Responsibility To Others

Beyond personal stakes, entrepreneurs carry the weight of responsibility for their employees, partners, and sometimes even family members who are invested in the business. The fear of failing others can be paralysing.

Societal Stigma

The societal narrative around success can be unforgiving. In many cultures, failure in business is not just seen as a professional setback but as a personal flaw. With success stories often glamorised in the media, the pressure to meet these standards and the fear of public failure can be intense for business owners.

How Can Fear Of Failure Impact Your Business?

Fear of failure acts as a significant barrier for many enterprises. Imagine it as an imposing obstacle that prompts hesitation, leads to postponed decisions, and occasionally results in missed opportunities. While this fear is an innate human response, it's essential to comprehend its broad effects on a business before examining its particular consequences.

Decision Paralysis

When the fear of making the wrong move dominates, it can lead to indecisiveness. This paralysis can delay essential decisions, stagnate growth, or even derail strategies. A business requires timely actions, and hesitation can be detrimental in a fast-paced market.

Missed Opportunities

Being overly risk-averse due to fear of failure might mean bypassing chances to innovate, expand, or venture into new markets. While every opportunity comes with risks, not seizing them out of fear can leave a business lagging behind its competitors.


Continual worry about failure can lead to excessive stress and eventual burnout. Instead of delegating or seeking assistance, business owners might overextend themselves, trying to avoid mistakes. This not only affects their health and well-being but can also impact the business's overall health.

woman person holding white printer paper with a smile when they have been crying illustrating fear of failure

Can Fear Help My Business?

While the fear of failure is commonly viewed as an obstacle, it's essential to understand its dual nature. Just as a coin has two sides, fear can have a positive aspect when perceived and utilised correctly. This emotion, often seen as a limitation, can be harnessed to yield benefits that propel a business forward. By reframing how we perceive fear, we can transform it from a block into a stepping stone, allowing it to become a catalyst for growth rather than a cause for retreat.

Motivation & Drive

While fear is often seen negatively, it can be a potent catalyst for ambition and effort when channelled appropriately. The very apprehension of failure can propel business owners to work harder, ensuring that every detail is attended to and every possibility is considered. It's the kind of pressure that can turn coal into diamonds; with the right mindset, fear can drive success rather than deter it.

Catalyst For Innovation

Fear of becoming obsolete or competitors overtaking can trigger businesses to think outside the box. This can lead to the developing of groundbreaking products, services, or processes that redefine industries. It's a reminder that resting on your laurels isn't an option and that innovation is necessary in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Risk Management

While recklessness can lead to unforeseen setbacks, a healthy respect for potential pitfalls ensures that decisions are not made on a whim. By understanding and appreciating the inherent risks in business, entrepreneurs can make strategic choices that balance ambition with prudence. This approach ensures that even if challenges arise, the business is equipped to handle them.

Enhanced Preparedness

A little fear goes a long way in ensuring businesses aren't caught off-guard. Companies can navigate challenges more efficiently by always being ahead, anticipating potential issues, and having backup plans. It's not about expecting the worst but being prepared for any eventuality. This level of preparedness can make the difference between a temporary setback and a crippling failure.

Overcoming The Fear Of Failure

The road to success is often punctuated with challenges, but how you navigate these challenges determines the journey's outcome. Overcoming the fear of failure isn't about getting rid of it but learning to harness it, using it as fuel for personal and professional growth. Here are some actionable steps to consider:

Embrace A Growth Mindset

Recognise that stumbling blocks are not dead ends but rather opportunities to change direction. Failures are not setbacks; they're setups for more extraordinary comebacks. Adopting a growth mindset means viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and evolve. Instead of being paralysed by fear, approach it with curiosity and a desire to grow.

Seek Mentorship & Support

There's strength in numbers and wisdom in experience. Engaging with seasoned entrepreneurs or joining business networking groups can be invaluable. Such interactions provide insights from those who've been through it themselves and offer reassurance that you're not alone in your journey.

Leverage A Virtual Assistant

Juggling numerous tasks single-handedly can amplify stress and fear. Bringing a Virtual Assistant on board can significantly ease the burden. They can manage the day-to-day, allowing you to zero in on the bigger picture and strategic growth. Delegating doesn't mean relinquishing control; it means ensuring every aspect of your business gets the dedicated attention it deserves.

Set Realistic Expectations

Set your goals high, but anchor them in reality. Overly ambitious goals, while admirable, can lead to unnecessary stress when they appear unachievable. Breaking them down into more digestible, actionable steps can make the journey less daunting and more structured and manageable.

Practice Self-care

Behind every successful business is a driven individual. But remember, you're not a machine. Taking time to rejuvenate, both mentally and physically, is crucial. Prioritise yourself; after all, your well-being directly impacts the health of your business. Embrace activities that ground you and offer a break from the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurial life.

woman wearing silver-colored ring holding her hands over her chest to illustrate self care

Embrace The Fear Of Failure

In the world of business, the journey is rarely linear. It's filled with highs and lows, triumphs and setbacks, dreams realised and lessons learned. Entrepreneurs and business owners worldwide share the common thread of braving uncertainties and facing the looming fear of failure. Yet, as showcased by the remarkable tales of industry leaders and the strategies employed to harness this fear, it becomes evident that failure is not the antithesis of success; it's often a precursor.

The fear of failure, when approached constructively, can be an instrumental tool for growth, fostering resilience, ingenuity, and, particularly determination.

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  • How to find and hire an awesome VA
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