Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share.
This month Martin Amor, the co-founder of Cosmic Kids, speaks to Virtalent about what they do, working from home and how it all got started in the first place.
Hi Martin, could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about what you do?
My name’s Martin Amor, I run Cosmic Kids with my wife Jaime. We’re a kids yoga and mindfulness business centred around a popular YouTube channel. We have been going since 2012, making fun videos for kids to help them grow up happy and strong. We also make resources for teachers and teacher training for adults who want to become kids yoga teachers.
Thanks, Martin. Sounds like really fun work you do there, so, what does a typical day look like for you?
We work from home – and the workday starts when Jaime and I walk the dogs and talk about what we want to focus on that day. My day can involve editing videos, content planning or marketing the business. Generally thinking about how we can engage more people in Cosmic Kids. A lot of my day is spent on the computer – often working with various partners elsewhere in the country and world! There’s usually a bowl of soup at lunch and we try to stop by about 6 pm.
It sounds like you have an extremely well balanced day, you must really love what you do. Why exactly did you choose to work in your industry?
Jaime had been teaching kids yoga classes near where we live. I could tell she was really good at it, so we decided to go down to our local village hall to film her doing three of her stories. We posted them on YouTube and there was immediate interest. Since then we’ve just been building on it. Now more than a million kids do yoga with Jaime every month. Before Cosmic Kids, I used to work as a consultant helping big companies have product ideas and get better at innovation. It was meeting Jaime that changed everything.
“It [Virtalent] clears space in our day and in our heads to focus on making Cosmic Kids even more amazing!”
Wow, that’s a bit of a shift from working directly with companies to being an online driven company. What has been your biggest challenge since starting your company?
Staying focused on the things that make a difference. It’s such an interesting idea to work on that the biggest challenge is working out what not to do as much as what we should.
Ah, so the fact it is such an interesting area to work means you often find it difficult to know which ideas to focus on? So what does the future look like? What is your vision or long-term aim for the business?
We try to focus on the things we can control and find thinking long-term can be a bit distracting. I would say our long-term aim is to keep helping kids discover yoga and mindfulness and to keep enjoying making it all happen.
That’s great to hear, focusing on what you actually do is definitely a sensible idea. How did you hear about Virtalent?
We did a Google search and you popped up!
Ah, Google is good like that. It’s great to hear that we are making a difference. So, after finding Virtalent what tasks and projects have we been supporting you with? How has this support changed the way you work?
We get a lot of enquiries about our teacher training and teacher resources in particular, and it’s really helped us to have Frances responding to them. She takes responsibility for them all and uses her initiative to help customers get the info they need. It clears space in our day and in our heads to focus on making Cosmic Kids even more amazing!