Jun 25, 2024
Danielle Jones
Content marketing is a business strategy centred around creating high-quality content to attract customers. While almost all businesses create content as part of marketing, content marketing is a more strategic approach that requires a more detailed planning stage to bring…....

Dec 20, 2023
Danielle Jones
A new year means new trends across the world, especially in marketing. From the Pantone Colour of the Year 2024 (it’s Peach Fuzz, by the way) to the latest release from the tech world, everybody is rolling out a shiny…....

Dec 05, 2023
Danielle Jones
If you have done any bit of marketing as a business owner, it’s more than likely you would have at least heard the term Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, at least once. SEO is a catch-all term for actions taken…....

Mar 31, 2023
Danielle Jones
Social media is a part of our everyday lives, and this is also the case for small businesses. Whereas in the past, marketing would have involved things such as advertising in a newspaper, leaflet drops, or simple word-of-mouth, now it's…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Mar 24, 2023
Danielle Jones
As a business owner being in charge means that you often need to be able to juggle multiple responsibilities simultaneously. While it’s typical in business, this can sometimes make you feel a bit spread thin with your time and attention.…....

Mar 02, 2023
Danielle Jones
What is a Marketing Strategy? Wikipedia defines it as; “an organisation's promotional efforts to allocate scarce resources across a wide range of platforms and channels to increase sales and achieve sustainable competitive advantage within its corresponding market” Supercharge Your Business…....

Mar 01, 2023
Danielle Jones
If you are starting to market your business, the whole thing can seem overwhelming. There are just so many types of marketing to choose from; where do you start? Email, social media, blogs – the choice is extensive. As well…....

Feb 10, 2023
Danielle Jones
If you need help finding the time, expertise or know-how to grow your business, delegating to a marketing VA is a fantastic place to start to supercharge that growth and lessen your workload. As an entrepreneur, you must juggle many…....

Dec 01, 2022
Danielle Jones
Marketing is a vital part of growing your business, but finding time to give marketing the attention it deserves is challenging. Did you know that you can hire a dedicated marketing VA to help you? They can take your ideas…....

Apr 30, 2022
You’ve started your new business and you are excited to grow it into the vision of brilliance you’ve always dreamed of. Whether you’re just starting out or have been going for a while, you’re bound to have a few questions…....

Jun 02, 2021
Danielle Jones
Looking for digital marketing ideas for small businesses? Great idea. Because we all live digital lives these days, spending roughly 6 hours a day online. For more than half of that we are glued to a device of some sort.…....

Oct 16, 2018
Danielle Jones
Social media. Love it or hate it, it’s an important part of the marketing strategy for most businesses. Today, the world has over 3 billion internet users and a staggering 2 billion of them have active social media accounts. So…....

Jun 29, 2018
Danielle Jones
So you’ve done it. You’ve started your own business. And things are going… well they’re going OK.  But now you’re ready to kick it up notch. How though? Well, one of the things you need to do is get yourself…....

May 23, 2018
Danielle Jones
Too often businesses mistake content (e.g. blogging) as a traffic generation tool in itself when in fact it isn’t. If you write a blog and let it sit there, it is very unlikely to do anything. Even if you email…....

Apr 18, 2018
Danielle Jones
With all the social networks out there and potential for follows, likes and connections, you would be forgiven for forgetting the importance of your email list. Unlike on a social network, anyone on your own email list is part of…....

Dec 28, 2017
Danielle Jones
There is no denying that the art of marketing is not exactly a clear path. We try so many methods and strategies to find the right formula. It can be daunting and often overwhelming to make the right choice for…....

Dec 18, 2017
Danielle Jones
In this day and age of relentless social media, emails and Google Adwords, you would be forgiven for thinking that digital marketing IS marketing. Nothing is worth doing unless it is in a digital format. Well, the irony is that…....

Nov 28, 2017
Danielle Jones
As a business, you can’t ignore the impact of a great website. In this day and age, any new client or customer is almost certainly going to go straight to the web to see what you are about. They will…....

Oct 27, 2017
Danielle Jones
As a business, you would be nowhere without customers. They are your lifeblood. It is curious then that so many businesses ignore one of the most important aspects of marketing; knowing who your customer actually is. Building an ideal customer…....

Oct 15, 2017
Danielle Jones
As a business owner, you have to be prepared to wear many different hats. You have to be a salesperson, a motivator and an accountant. You are required to have a handle across so many disciplines. One of the most…....

Sep 28, 2017
Danielle Jones
As a business owner, it is important to always have the customers wants and needs at the forefront of your mind. Given that they are the people who use your products, they are the single most important aspect of your…....

Aug 08, 2017
Danielle Jones
Coaching is fast becoming one of the most sought after services in business. It has gone from near obscurity to being on the mind of even the most traditional companies. With this growth comes competition. There are coaches popping up…....

Jun 19, 2017
Danielle Jones
According to the Direct Marketing Association’s latest report, email continues to be the highest-performing marketing channel out there. Now 98% of emails sent are successfully delivered compared to 87% just 7 years ago. The technology has moved on and improved.…....

May 10, 2017
Danielle Jones
A content marketing strategy is more important for businesses now than ever before. But, why is this I hear you ask? Well, according to Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2B marketers are creating more content now than ever before. We’ve listed…....

Apr 18, 2017
Our team often get asked why we are called “Virtalent” or even, “how do I pronounce it?”. Today I wanted to explain the meaning and relevance of our brand name to our mission as a company in the Virtual Assistant industry.…....

Mar 26, 2017
Google Analytics is a software tool that website owners can use to track their traffic and find out how visitors interact with their site. It is free for the basic version, which has more than enough features for the average business owner to…....

Jan 22, 2017
While Twitter and Facebook are usually the first social media sites businesses choose to use, especially when starting up, other platforms such as Instagram can be just as valuable, if not more so. Instagram is a photo sharing app that has…....

Nov 24, 2016
Any successful newsletter has a number of important components which are all designed to engage readers and encourage conversions. Getting it right requires attention to detail as well as a pretty good idea of what your subscribers are looking for.…....

Oct 11, 2016
If your company has been moving along quite nicely since you started but you now want to implement strategies for growth, the prospect of doubling in size will no doubt be appealing. While SME growth is top of many a…....

Personal Effectiveness
Oct 04, 2016
Taking a small business to the next level is the ambition of most entrepreneurs. Some businesses start up and stay at the same level, often because the owner wants it to remain manageable, while others suddenly begin to blossom and…....

Sep 27, 2016
While it might seem sensible to put your nose to the grindstone and keep going no matter what, stepping back and taking a look at your competitors and what they are up to can be extremely beneficial. If you want…....

Jun 23, 2016
Responding to customers on social media can be an obstacle for even the most savvy social media expert. Even the Prime Minister summed up – in his own eloquent way – the problems we can all face on social media.…....

Jun 06, 2016
So, it’s the 21st century, your UK sales are stagnating, and thanks to technological developments, it’s easier than over to expand your business abroad. “British products and services are in demand, and exploring overseas avenues delivers huge growth potential” according…....

May 24, 2016
Pushing your site up on Google’s search rankings is hard work, especially if you are competing against much bigger industry players. Yet, with the correct strategy and some powerful keyword research tools, it certainly is possible to make some noticeable gains in…....

May 12, 2016
Need to speed up your WordPress site? Every second counts. According to Kissmetrics, 47% of consumers will expect an e-commerce website to load in under 2 seconds and 44% of online shoppers will tell their friends about a bad experience online.…....

Nov 15, 2015
In today’s constantly connected world, customer engagement through excellent customer service is key for many businesses. One wrong move, and your customer can be all over social media complaining about your service. In fact, 76% of consumers say they view…....

Sep 12, 2015
We understand how you can often become stuck in a rut when trying to come up with marketing ideas for our small business. Virtalent’s team of Virtual Assistants are here to offer their advice and help you out. Our team can help with market research, writing…....

Dec 09, 2014
When starting out as a company, it can become incredibly difficult to market your business, especially when you’re relying on a basic social media presence to provide you with your first few sources of income. So what are the benefits…....

Nov 11, 2014
Social Media Marketing is a key element of any business. Whether we like to admit it or not, reaching people via social media has become one of the main forms of communication. Although there are many free channels and ways…....

Nov 07, 2014
There are some clear rules when it comes to writing press releases. “Is this news relevant?” That is the first question you need to address when writing a press release. Press releases are modern and up-to-date means of communication. This…....

Oct 20, 2014
Hello and welcome back to our “sales for busy entrepreneurs” blog series, following the post we wrote last month covering the essentials you need to know before professionalising your sales strategy. Now we’d like to discuss lead generation. In this…....

Oct 14, 2014
Twitter has been around, in one form or other, for over 1o years. Despite how long this social media channel has been around, there are many that have not ventured into the Twitterverse. Still not sure of the basics? You…....

Sep 09, 2014
Recently we’ve spoken to a lot of small business owners who are great at selling their product/service, but struggle to recruit the right salespeople or understand whether their marketing partners really know what they’re doing. Why is this? Simply because they don’t understand some…....

Jun 22, 2014
There are two types of newsletter that can fill your inbox: the one you read and the one you don’t. How can you ensure that employees, businesses or the general public engage with your newsletter? We have created 10 easy steps that can…....