Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 30, 2024
Danielle Jones
Freedom! It’s the pinnacle of what most small business owners and entrepreneurs want to achieve. Freedom from bosses, financial freedom, the freedom to set your own hours. It’s probably what most people are looking for! It is, however, very easy…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Personal Effectiveness
Jan 15, 2024
Danielle Jones
Founders often battle more than just market competition and financial constraints, namely founder loneliness. While it’s certainly less talked about, isolation and loneliness that come with the role are very common. And in the UK, with a busy and fast-moving…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Personal Effectiveness
Nov 01, 2023
Danielle Jones
Starting your own business and becoming an entrepreneur is a path that is filled with both challenges but also evolution. Most business owners in the UK start their company as a solo venture, normally fuelled by passion and a chance…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jul 13, 2023
Danielle Jones
As a business owner, you are likely aware of delegation and its benefits to business owners and companies. By delegating smaller and specialist tasks and generally having other people you can work with and rely on, running your business is…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Mar 24, 2023
Danielle Jones
As a business owner being in charge means that you often need to be able to juggle multiple responsibilities simultaneously. While it’s typical in business, this can sometimes make you feel a bit spread thin with your time and attention.…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 16, 2022
Danielle Jones
Hiring a Virtual Assistant can have a significant impact on the growth of your business and your productivity. Outsourcing time consuming tasks to a Virtual Assistant service will allow you to focus on the high value activities that really matter.…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Aug 11, 2022
Danielle Jones
If you’re trying to grow a business, there will come a point where you don’t have enough hours in the day. If you have too much on your plate, an efficient Virtual Assistant can take time-consuming tasks off your hands.…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jun 23, 2022
Danielle Jones
Document production is an essential part of any business and, let’s be honest, it’s often a time-consuming activity. Whether it’s compiling a report or drafting written correspondence, producing a document of any size can eat into time you may not…....

Outsourcing & VAs
May 30, 2022
Danielle Jones
If the last year has taught us anything in business, it’s that virtual working is here to stay. Businesses all over the world have realised that they don’t necessarily need a physical office for employees to work in, with actual…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Apr 12, 2022
Before there was such a thing as the Virtual Assistant industry, going to work meant making that long schlep into the office. You’d then sit at your desk for the next 8 hours. At least. Then you’d log off and…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 08, 2022
Danielle Jones
What is Virtual Back Office Support? Every business has two sides to it, the front customer-facing side, or client-facing side, and the back office support side. Both are equally important to any successful business, however, more often than not, the…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Dec 06, 2021
Danielle Jones
As any business owner knows, there are countless admin tasks that can take up a lot of time. Even more so if you are a startup or a small business. When you start a business, you inevitably become the operations,…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 26, 2021
Danielle Jones
Have you been considering hiring a remote PA with Virtalent? Your business is thriving, and things are going really well, but you are getting busier and busier. You seem to have lost control of your time and instead of spending…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 22, 2021
Danielle Jones
A 'Virtual Assistant' can feel like an incredibly broad term to contend with. Sure, it’s clearly used to describe a person who assists you, remotely or virtually, but that’s about it. In reality, a VA can look after a wide…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 16, 2021
Danielle Jones
Wondering how to become a Virtual Assistant in the UK? It's an exciting opportunity if you want to continue your professional career, from the comfort of your own home. No long commute or smelly trains to put up with, as…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Oct 27, 2021
Danielle Jones
Virtual Assistants offer a winning combination – high quality support, but at a fraction of the cost of hiring an employee. You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are, but you’re pretty sure no one told you the…....

Outsourcing & VAs
May 05, 2021
Whatever reason you have for selecting a Virtual Assistant agency for your business, it can feel like a tricky decision to make. You’re unlikely to have hired a VA before – in fact, you might not have hired anyone before!…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Mar 02, 2021
Danielle Jones
What does it take to grow your business? A quick Google search reveals a vast array of tips aimed at entrepreneurs keen to supercharge their businesses. Tips on how to use social media, get more customers, provide great service or…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 22, 2021
Danielle Jones
Launching a new business is an exciting, exhilarating and rewarding experience. With over 660,000 new start-ups created in the UK every year and a jaw-dropping 64% of the UK workforce aspiring to set up a business, the country is not…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 12, 2021
Danielle Jones
You’ve set up your business but now the time has come to build a team to help you get more done and focus on growing your business. It’s an enormous milestone in your business journey and something that should be…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 05, 2021
Danielle Jones
Even the most successful and well-known entrepreneurs develop bad habits in business – whether it’s trying to do too much at once or procrastinating in the face of a challenge. Sometimes these bad habits can develop gradually, and sometimes they…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Dec 15, 2020
Danielle Jones
It’s not easy being a business owner, at least not all of the time. There are times when it seems to be anything but straightforward, and it’s at those times that the going can really get tough. However, there are…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Oct 27, 2020
Danielle Jones
Toni Yates spent the majority of her 17-year career as a Personal Assistant and has worked in a variety of roles and industries. Following the birth of her son, she wanted to shift to a more flexible Virtual Assistant role…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Sep 24, 2020
Danielle Jones
Ah Google. What would we do without it? For those first embarking on their Virtual Assistant journey, it’s an infinite source of information. Thankfully, for every aspiring VA, there are hundreds of others who have been there, got the t-shirt…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Sep 11, 2020
Danielle Jones
We know how important customer service is to small businesses. But time spent call answering adds up. Suddenly there aren’t enough hours in the day to focus on anything else, let alone grow your business. Missing the occasional phone call…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Feb 11, 2020
When making any important business decision, business owners know it is imperative to weigh up the pros and cons. Hiring Virtual Assistants is no different, yet many business owners aren’t too sure what a Virtual Assistant is, or what it…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 17, 2020
Finding yourself a Virtual Assistant is the first step to building a far more productive, less stressful working day. Yet actually knowing how to use a Virtual Assistant properly – understanding the steps you need to get the most out…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 18, 2019
If you’ve ever asked yourself the questions “what is a marketing assistant?” or “what does a marketing assistant do?”, you’re not alone. It’s a varied role which can cover a wide range of tasks, and require a broad spectrum of…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jun 26, 2019
More business owners than ever are turning to a remote working lifestyle, in the quest to become a digital nomad and gain a whole lot of freedom. They’re trading a rainy commute to an expensive, cramped Regus office in Wimbledon…....

Outsourcing & VAs
May 28, 2019
Danielle Jones
As an entrepreneur or small business owner you’re probably used to doing everything yourself. But when your business really starts to take off it’s imperative that you keep building on that momentum. One way you could do this is to…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Personal Effectiveness
Jan 16, 2019
Ah, a brand new year. A time to reflect on the one that’s just gone by, and a time to think about what we want for the one ahead. And time is what you need if you want to achieve…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 21, 2018
Danielle Jones
When growing your business, the time will inevitably come when you have to think about adding to your team. This can involve job adverts, shortlisting, interviewing and then selecting the right candidate. A process which can go one for some…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Dec 08, 2017
Danielle Jones
There comes a time in any businesses development when a decision needs to be made about growing. Is it time to hire new team members to help the company develop? It is often quite a big commitment. One of the…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 05, 2017
Danielle Jones
The sales are coming in, your work is mounting but you are struggling to find the time to fit it all in. What do you do next? Hire some help of course. When your time is being squeezed you need…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Oct 08, 2017
Danielle Jones
So, you have made the decision that you need some help. You have looked at your diary and realised that any extra pair of hands will boost your business. You have carried out your research and decided it is time…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Aug 14, 2017
Danielle Jones
As a business owner, one of the most challenging aspects of growing your company is building a great team. There are so many different things to consider. Where will they work from? What skills do they need? How much will…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Apr 07, 2017
Early Stage Business Growth You thought of an idea, built a product, found your first customers, generated revenue and learnt a lot along the way. The hard part is over, right? Starting a business isn’t easy, however, even more difficulties…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Apr 22, 2016
Why should your business consider using a Virtual Assistant? Take a look at our 60 second explanation video and find out more.....

Outsourcing & VAs
Aug 24, 2015
Good news – the world of work is changing! Bad news – this is because you are working longer. There’s a steady shift on the horizon surrounding the world of work. In the ever-changing and technology dependent world we live…....