
Jan 01, 1970
Danielle Jones
We are so thrilled to announce that Virtalent has been shortlisted for yet another award this year. We are delighted to add to our accolades of being nominated for the Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards, and more recently the…....


Jan 01, 1970
Danielle Jones
Today, 1st July 2024, marks 10 years since Virtalent was founded.That’s an entire decade spent delivering top-tier support to British small businesses!In 2014, Virtalent was created to fill a gap in the market found by Ellie and Sam Wilson. As…....


Jan 01, 1970
Danielle Jones
Content marketing is a business strategy centred around creating high-quality content to attract customers. While almost all businesses create content as part of marketing, content marketing is a more strategic approach that requires a more detailed planning stage to bring…....


Jan 01, 1970
Danielle Jones
We are so pleased to announce that Virtalent has been selected as a finalist for the 2024 British Business awards in the Small Business category. This is another recognition that reaffirms Virtalent’s commitment to excellence in the Virtual Assistant industry.…....

Personal Effectiveness
May 17, 2024
Danielle Jones
We are well and truly deep into Spring in the UK, and while the weather may not always reflect it, the urge to clear and clean our spaces is deeply rooted in our psyche for this time of year. It’s…....

Apr 23, 2024
Danielle Jones
We are thrilled to announce that Virtalent has been shortlisted for another award. This year’s Small Awards, now in its eighth year, celebrates innovation in the UK’s small business sector – something that we are incredibly passionate about here at…....

Apr 12, 2024
Danielle Jones
Sometimes in business you need a little bit of help and support, and one way that you can do this is by getting a business mentor. This is usually someone who has been in your shoes beforehand. They may have…....


Jan 01, 1970
Danielle Jones
Every business will face challenges at some point along the way, and not every client or customer is going to be pleased all of the time. While as business owners most will always try and do their utmost to work…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 30, 2024
Danielle Jones
Freedom! It’s the pinnacle of what most small business owners and entrepreneurs want to achieve. Freedom from bosses, financial freedom, the freedom to set your own hours. It’s probably what most people are looking for! It is, however, very easy…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Personal Effectiveness
Jan 15, 2024
Danielle Jones
Founders often battle more than just market competition and financial constraints, namely founder loneliness. While it’s certainly less talked about, isolation and loneliness that come with the role are very common. And in the UK, with a busy and fast-moving…....

Dec 20, 2023
Danielle Jones
A new year means new trends across the world, especially in marketing. From the Pantone Colour of the Year 2024 (it’s Peach Fuzz, by the way) to the latest release from the tech world, everybody is rolling out a shiny…....

Dec 05, 2023
Danielle Jones
If you have done any bit of marketing as a business owner, it’s more than likely you would have at least heard the term Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, at least once. SEO is a catch-all term for actions taken…....

Personal Effectiveness
Dec 01, 2023
Danielle Jones
There is the old adage of time=money, and if you are an entrepreneur or sole trader, this is something you are more aware of than if you were an employee. However, being busy and being productive are often confused, and…....

Nov 21, 2023
Danielle Jones
On the 14th, of November 2023 founders of Virtalent, Ellie Wilson and Sam Wilson, attended the prestigious Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards, held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London. The company was nominated in the Small Business Award…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Personal Effectiveness
Nov 01, 2023
Danielle Jones
Starting your own business and becoming an entrepreneur is a path that is filled with both challenges but also evolution. Most business owners in the UK start their company as a solo venture, normally fuelled by passion and a chance…....

Oct 25, 2023
Danielle Jones
We are thrilled and proud to announce that one of our founders, Ellie Wilson, was nominated for a prestigious award at one of the UK’s most renowned events for virtual assistants, the VA Conference. This annual gathering was held in…....

Personal Effectiveness
Oct 16, 2023
Danielle Jones
Creativity isn't just the reserve of artists or writers; it's the lifeblood that drives the heart of every successful business. Every business originates from a spark of an idea, proving that even seemingly non-creative enterprises spring from someone's imagination. Innovation…....

Personal Effectiveness
Oct 03, 2023
Danielle Jones
Every entrepreneur or business owner, whether just starting or seasoned in the business world, encounters the fear of failure at some point in their career. Whether you operate in the bustling streets of London or the peaceful, quiet countryside of…....

Personal Effectiveness
Sep 26, 2023
Danielle Jones
Emotions and business are two words that historically didn’t mix. Business has been, in the past, all about being the consummate professional and never showing your feelings. However, as time progressed, being more aware of your emotions and empathetic has…....

Personal Effectiveness
Sep 11, 2023
Danielle Jones
Entrepreneurship is a rewarding yet demanding journey. With the exhilarating highs of success come the pressures and challenges of steering a business. A staggering 45% of entrepreneurs report experiencing stress, according to a Gallup poll Compounding this, the UK's deteriorating…....

Personal Effectiveness
Sep 04, 2023
Danielle Jones
One of the many reasons people choose to start on their own in business is a better work-life balance. In a recent survey by Mastercard, 58% of women stated that they were motivated by a better balance with their home…....

Personal Effectiveness
Aug 18, 2023
Danielle Jones
Starting, running or owning a business isn't a straight line to success. There's no path of continual upward trajectory after you begin, just rising and rising to victory in business. There are as many lows and downturns as there are…....

Jul 21, 2023
Danielle Jones
The new Flexible Working Act has become part of the law, achieving Royal Assent this week. This landmark legislation will benefit millions of working individuals in the UK, providing more flexibility about when and where they work. The act, first…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jul 13, 2023
Danielle Jones
As a business owner, you are likely aware of delegation and its benefits to business owners and companies. By delegating smaller and specialist tasks and generally having other people you can work with and rely on, running your business is…....

Personal Effectiveness
May 31, 2023
Danielle Jones
It’s incredibly easy to take the words that we use for granted. While there may be multiple ways to name something, each one comes with its own background of context and nuance. For many, “bold” can be interchangeably used with…....

Personal Effectiveness
May 18, 2023
Danielle Jones
Coaching is a word that has become more and more common in our daily lives over the last decade. While once reserved for sports teams and executives, coaching is now a powerful tool to help people reach their full potential.…....

Personal Effectiveness
May 03, 2023
Danielle Jones
There is a misconception in business that being a leader is about authority and being direct. However, this approach would not necessarily be the most effective for many businesses. It could even pigeonhole and hold back some potentially great leaders.…....

Apr 19, 2023
Danielle Jones
Giving and receiving feedback is essential to any team-based work environment, whether within a workplace or when working with a VA. To help you, we’ve put together a short guide on one particularly useful tool: the AID model. When you…....

Mar 31, 2023
Danielle Jones
Social media is a part of our everyday lives, and this is also the case for small businesses. Whereas in the past, marketing would have involved things such as advertising in a newspaper, leaflet drops, or simple word-of-mouth, now it's…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Mar 24, 2023
Danielle Jones
As a business owner being in charge means that you often need to be able to juggle multiple responsibilities simultaneously. While it’s typical in business, this can sometimes make you feel a bit spread thin with your time and attention.…....

Mar 14, 2023
Danielle Jones
Whether you are a sole trader, owner of a small business, or the founder of a medium-sized company, the key to growth and ongoing success is consistency. Be it the consistency of your offering, consistency of your revenue or overall…....

Mar 07, 2023
Danielle Jones
Throughout February the Virtalent team has been out walking, enjoying the first glimpses of Spring and tracking our steps for Heart UK’s Heart Month. Heart UK is the UK’s only cholesterol charity, providing support, information and influencing services for families…....

Mar 02, 2023
Danielle Jones
What is a Marketing Strategy? Wikipedia defines it as; “an organisation's promotional efforts to allocate scarce resources across a wide range of platforms and channels to increase sales and achieve sustainable competitive advantage within its corresponding market” Supercharge Your Business…....

Mar 01, 2023
Danielle Jones
If you are starting to market your business, the whole thing can seem overwhelming. There are just so many types of marketing to choose from; where do you start? Email, social media, blogs – the choice is extensive. As well…....

Feb 10, 2023
Danielle Jones
If you need help finding the time, expertise or know-how to grow your business, delegating to a marketing VA is a fantastic place to start to supercharge that growth and lessen your workload. As an entrepreneur, you must juggle many…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jan 19, 2023
Danielle Jones
It seems almost too good to be true – that something as simple as body language can have a profound and measurable impact on our lives and businesses. However, this is precisely what Harvard Lecturer Amy Cuddy's TED Talk, "Your…....

Dec 21, 2022
Danielle Jones
As a business built on remote flexible working it is often surprising to us at Virtalent that our way of working isn’t always considered to be the “norm”, so we have been delighted to follow the pioneering four-day week trial,…....

Dec 01, 2022
Danielle Jones
Marketing is a vital part of growing your business, but finding time to give marketing the attention it deserves is challenging. Did you know that you can hire a dedicated marketing VA to help you? They can take your ideas…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 16, 2022
Danielle Jones
Hiring a Virtual Assistant can have a significant impact on the growth of your business and your productivity. Outsourcing time consuming tasks to a Virtual Assistant service will allow you to focus on the high value activities that really matter.…....

Oct 10, 2022
Mental health is a topic that affects everyone – whether that’s your Mum, a friend, your boss or the checkout attendant in Tesco. We’ve all been through difficult times. We’ve all struggled. We’ve all tried to get ourselves out of…....

Personal Effectiveness
Sep 29, 2022
Danielle Jones
Whether we like it or not, the only constant about the seasons is change and change is upon us once again. According to the NHS, the winter blues (otherwise known as seasonal affective disorder – SAD) affects more than two…....

Sep 12, 2022
Danielle Jones
If you’re working remotely, or with a Virtual Assistant, then project management tools are going to be essential. When your team is remote, utilising project management tools to streamline planning and task management will make life much easier. There’s no…....

Personal Effectiveness
Aug 26, 2022
What's all the fuss about? Here are 20 reasons to start a business. From better working hours to learning new skills, it makes sense to be an entrepreneur!....

Outsourcing & VAs
Aug 11, 2022
Danielle Jones
If you’re trying to grow a business, there will come a point where you don’t have enough hours in the day. If you have too much on your plate, an efficient Virtual Assistant can take time-consuming tasks off your hands.…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jul 26, 2022
Danielle Jones
Building a successful business is much more of a marathon than a sprint, but you need to start somewhere. Maybe you have a business idea, but don’t know where to start. We’ve put together a list of some business essentials…....

Jul 10, 2022
Danielle Jones
Time. Do we ever have enough of it? Time can seem to elude us as we are working throughout the day. Even when we’ve had the most productive of days, it can feel that we haven’t used our time wisely…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jun 23, 2022
Danielle Jones
Document production is an essential part of any business and, let’s be honest, it’s often a time-consuming activity. Whether it’s compiling a report or drafting written correspondence, producing a document of any size can eat into time you may not…....

Outsourcing & VAs
May 30, 2022
Danielle Jones
If the last year has taught us anything in business, it’s that virtual working is here to stay. Businesses all over the world have realised that they don’t necessarily need a physical office for employees to work in, with actual…....

May 10, 2022
Danielle Jones
As any growing business knows, people are the key to your success. And as you grow, the need to employ more and more people will continue to grow as well. You could need to hire a Finance Manager or a…....

Apr 30, 2022
You’ve started your new business and you are excited to grow it into the vision of brilliance you’ve always dreamed of. Whether you’re just starting out or have been going for a while, you’re bound to have a few questions…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Apr 12, 2022
Before there was such a thing as the Virtual Assistant industry, going to work meant making that long schlep into the office. You’d then sit at your desk for the next 8 hours. At least. Then you’d log off and…....

Personal Effectiveness
Mar 30, 2022
With an ever-growing team of Virtual PAs at Virtalent, I'd estimate upwards of 25% of the time we spend working for our clients is spent on diary management. But what exactly does it take to manage their diary successfully? In…....

Personal Effectiveness
Mar 10, 2022
Danielle Jones
One of the things I keep hearing in our post-pandemic world, is how so many people have found that slowing down has been so good for their mental health. During the various lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, people were forced…....

Feb 10, 2022
Danielle Jones
Here we are going to look at how to manage a recruitment process. No matter what size your business is, having a robust and thorough recruitment process in place is really important. If you want to become a Virtual Assistant…....

Feb 01, 2022
Danielle Jones
Do you have a great business idea? Brilliant. Have you chosen a name, done your research, and written a business plan? Excellent. Figured out your marketing or advertising strategy? Great news. Thought about hiring a Virtual Assistant in the UK?…....

Jan 21, 2022
Danielle Jones
When you start a new business you may look at hiring a VA, consider what options there are for a call answering service, or of course, look into your options for software for various parts of your business. This could…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 08, 2022
Danielle Jones
What is Virtual Back Office Support? Every business has two sides to it, the front customer-facing side, or client-facing side, and the back office support side. Both are equally important to any successful business, however, more often than not, the…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jan 02, 2022
Danielle Jones
Virtual admin services is probably a phrase that you have heard a lot in the last 18 months to 2 years, along with remote working, Virtual Assistant and working from home. But virtual admin support is something that has been…....

Dec 30, 2021
Danielle Jones
Since we covered great ways to deliver customer service this month, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to take a look at the software you can use to help you manage this part of your business. You could…....

Personal Effectiveness
Dec 16, 2021
Danielle Jones
When running a business, dealing with customers of any kind and being able to deliver great customer service is invaluable to your business. It can take time and dedication but you could have a Virtual PA assist you to take…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Dec 06, 2021
Danielle Jones
As any business owner knows, there are countless admin tasks that can take up a lot of time. Even more so if you are a startup or a small business. When you start a business, you inevitably become the operations,…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 26, 2021
Danielle Jones
Have you been considering hiring a remote PA with Virtalent? Your business is thriving, and things are going really well, but you are getting busier and busier. You seem to have lost control of your time and instead of spending…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 22, 2021
Danielle Jones
A 'Virtual Assistant' can feel like an incredibly broad term to contend with. Sure, it’s clearly used to describe a person who assists you, remotely or virtually, but that’s about it. In reality, a VA can look after a wide…....

Nov 18, 2021
Danielle Jones
When it comes to sales, having brilliant software, well-suited to your business needs, can really make or break a business. A Virtual Assistant can help you research, set up and manage your software, allowing you to concentrate on growing your…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 16, 2021
Danielle Jones
Wondering how to become a Virtual Assistant in the UK? It's an exciting opportunity if you want to continue your professional career, from the comfort of your own home. No long commute or smelly trains to put up with, as…....

Nov 02, 2021
Danielle Jones
As many small businesses know, managing a sales pipeline is the lifeline for your business. You may have some excellent virtual marketing handled by a VA bringing in the business, but you need to have good processes in place. This…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Oct 27, 2021
Danielle Jones
Virtual Assistants offer a winning combination – high quality support, but at a fraction of the cost of hiring an employee. You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are, but you’re pretty sure no one told you the…....

Oct 22, 2021
Danielle Jones
Have you been thinking about working as a Virtual Assistant? Have you wondered whether it is worth it, how you can make it work for yourself, or even if it is right for your lifestyle? It can always be a…....

Personal Effectiveness
Oct 06, 2021
Danielle Jones
Running a business isn’t for the faint-hearted. As an entrepreneur, we’re sure you’ve met many people that would like to be in your shoes, but the majority never pursue their dream because they don’t know where to start. Those that…....

Personal Effectiveness
Sep 09, 2021
Danielle Jones
As a remote worker having a great home office setup can be a game-changer for increasing your productivity. A dedicated workspace, where you can really concentrate on your work, is invaluable to any professional working from home. As such, we…....

Personal Effectiveness
Aug 24, 2021
Danielle Jones
Spending time researching to-do list apps might feel like the ultimate way to procrastinate, meaning your actual to-do list languishes somewhat, waiting to be dealt with. Well, that’s why we are here, to give you our top recommendations for the…....

Personal Effectiveness
Aug 02, 2021
Danielle Jones
Looking for some time management tips? As an entrepreneur or a small business owner we’d hazard a guess that your mental to do list might look something a bit like this: Arrange that meeting with so and so Send out…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jul 06, 2021
Danielle Jones
If there’s one thing the pandemic has taught us, it’s that we can do almost anything remotely. Whether that’s catching up with friends and socialising, or working from home, we have managed to adapt our lives. And although we are…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jun 03, 2021
Danielle Jones
The life of any business owner or entrepreneur is a busy one. You want to eat well, but sometimes you struggle to do anything more than get a Deliveroo. What if you could have everything you need to make delicious,…....

Jun 02, 2021
Danielle Jones
Looking for digital marketing ideas for small businesses? Great idea. Because we all live digital lives these days, spending roughly 6 hours a day online. For more than half of that we are glued to a device of some sort.…....

May 20, 2021
Danielle Jones
Whilst working as a children’s entertainer, Jaime Amor had a lightbulb moment. What better way was there to hold children’s attention than through movement? As someone who practiced yoga herself, it dawned on Jaime that she could incorporate yoga poses…....

Outsourcing & VAs
May 05, 2021
Whatever reason you have for selecting a Virtual Assistant agency for your business, it can feel like a tricky decision to make. You’re unlikely to have hired a VA before – in fact, you might not have hired anyone before!…....

Apr 02, 2021
Danielle Jones
We live in a digital age, an age where the pace of technological change is quite simply staggering. And it is having a powerful, transformative effect on small businesses in particular. Because it wasn’t that long ago that you weren’t…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Mar 02, 2021
Danielle Jones
What does it take to grow your business? A quick Google search reveals a vast array of tips aimed at entrepreneurs keen to supercharge their businesses. Tips on how to use social media, get more customers, provide great service or…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 22, 2021
Danielle Jones
Launching a new business is an exciting, exhilarating and rewarding experience. With over 660,000 new start-ups created in the UK every year and a jaw-dropping 64% of the UK workforce aspiring to set up a business, the country is not…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 12, 2021
Danielle Jones
You’ve set up your business but now the time has come to build a team to help you get more done and focus on growing your business. It’s an enormous milestone in your business journey and something that should be…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 05, 2021
Danielle Jones
Even the most successful and well-known entrepreneurs develop bad habits in business – whether it’s trying to do too much at once or procrastinating in the face of a challenge. Sometimes these bad habits can develop gradually, and sometimes they…....

Dec 29, 2020
Danielle Jones
Creating the perfect customer experience is a key focus of any business. Leaving customers feeling like they’ve had a positive and memorable experience will keep them coming back, get them to recommend your products or services, and improve your business…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Dec 15, 2020
Danielle Jones
It’s not easy being a business owner, at least not all of the time. There are times when it seems to be anything but straightforward, and it’s at those times that the going can really get tough. However, there are…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Oct 27, 2020
Danielle Jones
Toni Yates spent the majority of her 17-year career as a Personal Assistant and has worked in a variety of roles and industries. Following the birth of her son, she wanted to shift to a more flexible Virtual Assistant role…....

Personal Effectiveness
Oct 02, 2020
Danielle Jones
There’s no doubt that 2020 will go down in history for all the wrong reasons. But there’s one headline that we’re seriously happy to see: one in five Brits have started their own business since the beginning of the coronavirus…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Sep 24, 2020
Danielle Jones
Ah Google. What would we do without it? For those first embarking on their Virtual Assistant journey, it’s an infinite source of information. Thankfully, for every aspiring VA, there are hundreds of others who have been there, got the t-shirt…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Sep 11, 2020
Danielle Jones
We know how important customer service is to small businesses. But time spent call answering adds up. Suddenly there aren’t enough hours in the day to focus on anything else, let alone grow your business. Missing the occasional phone call…....

Personal Effectiveness
May 05, 2020
The world is finally working remotely. Sure, it’s taken a deadly global pandemic for us to give it a go, but we have finally made the jump. At long last, we’re embracing the benefits of what technology has been able…....

Mar 17, 2020
Coronavirus has taken the world’s stage this year, dominating headlines. Unfortunately, the way the virus is heading will mean that many people will be faced with the reality of working from home for a period of time. Though some will…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Feb 11, 2020
When making any important business decision, business owners know it is imperative to weigh up the pros and cons. Hiring Virtual Assistants is no different, yet many business owners aren’t too sure what a Virtual Assistant is, or what it…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 17, 2020
Finding yourself a Virtual Assistant is the first step to building a far more productive, less stressful working day. Yet actually knowing how to use a Virtual Assistant properly – understanding the steps you need to get the most out…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 18, 2019
If you’ve ever asked yourself the questions “what is a marketing assistant?” or “what does a marketing assistant do?”, you’re not alone. It’s a varied role which can cover a wide range of tasks, and require a broad spectrum of…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jul 26, 2019
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when faced with a ‘manic inbox’. That’s why learning to manage email overload is key: not only is it frustrating to spend so much time in your inbox, but we can often lose track of…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jun 26, 2019
More business owners than ever are turning to a remote working lifestyle, in the quest to become a digital nomad and gain a whole lot of freedom. They’re trading a rainy commute to an expensive, cramped Regus office in Wimbledon…....

Outsourcing & VAs
May 28, 2019
Danielle Jones
As an entrepreneur or small business owner you’re probably used to doing everything yourself. But when your business really starts to take off it’s imperative that you keep building on that momentum. One way you could do this is to…....

Apr 30, 2019
There comes a point in every entrepreneur’s journey where just winging their marketing no longer cuts the mustard. You’ve done pretty well up to now, sure, but you’re ready to take your business to the next level. And that means…....

Under the Spotlight
Apr 24, 2019
Danielle Jones
Whether you’re an independent consultant, CEO or startup founder, a UK based Virtual Assistant from Virtalent can help you grow your company and enjoy a better work-life balance. How? By taking care of all those small-but-essential tasks that just don’t…....

Apr 23, 2019
Finding a way to finance your small business as it grows, gradually transforming it from a tiny seedling into a thriving brand that touches on the lives of hundreds, then thousands, of people, is tough. It’s probably the most challenging…....

Mar 19, 2019
Virtual team collaboration. If you’re an entrepreneur hiring your first Virtual Assistant, or a small business owner with a team scattered far and wide, then you’ll know how challenging it is. And how important it is to get right. As…....

Mar 12, 2019
Danielle Jones
If you work with remote staff, then you’ll want to pay particular attention to the virtual team culture that you create. In its simplest form, a culture is the values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that a team shares. It’s how…....

Feb 26, 2019
Building and growing your own business is hard. You need your wits about you. And your attention is by far your biggest asset. Learning how to keep it where it is supposed to be – deliberately planning how to stay…....

Under the Spotlight
Feb 19, 2019
I’m Sam Wilson, the Co-Founder of Virtalent. Each month we shine a light on one of our successful clients or talented Virtual Assistants, but this time we’re changing things up. As we approach our 5th birthday I wanted to take…....

Feb 12, 2019
Danielle Jones
Ah, the humble email. It is, without a doubt, an essential tool of modern business. It’s convenient, it’s quick and it’s less intrusive than a phone call. It allows us to run our businesses from anywhere in the world, at…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Personal Effectiveness

Jan 01, 1970
Ah, a brand new year. A time to reflect on the one that’s just gone by, and a time to think about what we want for the one ahead. And time is what you need if you want to achieve…....

Under the Spotlight
Jan 03, 2019
Danielle Jones
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. This month we thought we’d shine the spotlight on one of our Virtual Assistants, Stephanie Kowalski. Hello, please tell us a…....

Under the Spotlight
Nov 28, 2018
Danielle Jones
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. This month Edson Santos speaks to Virtalent about his property and lettings business, Conscious Homes. Hi, please introduce yourself and your…....

Under the Spotlight
Oct 31, 2018
Danielle Jones
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. This month we thought we’d shine the spotlight on one of our Virtual Assistants, Natalie-Rose Joseph. Hello. Please tell us a…....

Oct 16, 2018
Danielle Jones
Social media. Love it or hate it, it’s an important part of the marketing strategy for most businesses. Today, the world has over 3 billion internet users and a staggering 2 billion of them have active social media accounts. So…....

Under the Spotlight
Sep 27, 2018
Danielle Jones
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. This month John Brown speaks to Virtalent about his branding and communications agency, Don’t Cry Wolf. Hi John, can you please…....

Personal Effectiveness
Sep 17, 2018
Danielle Jones
Our modern, busy lifestyles mean that these days most of us don’t get enough sleep. And whilst we may think we have bigger things to concern ourselves with than being ‘a bit tired’, there is an increasing body of evidence…....

Under the Spotlight
Aug 31, 2018
Danielle Jones
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. This month Jennie Winhall speaks to Virtalent about her inspiring consultancy business, which keeps her very busy indeed, and her plans…....

Personal Effectiveness
Aug 17, 2018
Danielle Jones
Ah, the humble email. It is, without a doubt, an essential tool of modern business. It’s convenient, it’s quick and it’s less intrusive than a phone call. It allows us to run our businesses from anywhere in the world, at…....

Under the Spotlight
Aug 09, 2018
Danielle Jones
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. But this month we’ve decided to shine the spotlight on ourselves and the people that make Virtalent tick. So who are…....

Jun 29, 2018
Danielle Jones
So you’ve done it. You’ve started your own business. And things are going… well they’re going OK.  But now you’re ready to kick it up notch. How though? Well, one of the things you need to do is get yourself…....

Under the Spotlight
Jun 15, 2018
Danielle Jones
At Virtalent, we regularly showcase the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. In this “Under the Spotlight” story, Jonny Tyers, Founder of SHEPD speaks to Virtalent about his business, the pressures of time management…....

May 23, 2018
Danielle Jones
Too often businesses mistake content (e.g. blogging) as a traffic generation tool in itself when in fact it isn’t. If you write a blog and let it sit there, it is very unlikely to do anything. Even if you email…....

Under the Spotlight
Apr 26, 2018
Danielle Jones
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. This month Kyle Cassidy, the founder of LazyLawn Lincolnshire speaks to Virtalent about what made him start the business, his remarkable story…....

Apr 18, 2018
Danielle Jones
With all the social networks out there and potential for follows, likes and connections, you would be forgiven for forgetting the importance of your email list. Unlike on a social network, anyone on your own email list is part of…....

Mar 16, 2018
Danielle Jones
The neverending cycle of work can often cloud your perspective on where your business is at in its development. You can get so caught up in the day to day you miss opportunities to expand. As a business owner, it…....

Under the Spotlight
Mar 02, 2018
Danielle Jones
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. This month Daniel Sokol, the founder of Alpha Academic Appeals, speaks to Virtalent about what made him start the business, the challenges…....

Personal Effectiveness
Feb 26, 2018
Danielle Jones
As a business owner, it must be difficult to keep on top of everything that needs to be done. You have work tasks, domestic duties and social events. All of which impacts on your overall productivity. What I need is…....

Personal Effectiveness
Feb 15, 2018
Danielle Jones
To some, the idea of getting up earlier seems like a complete anathema. The thought of dragging yourself out of your deep slumber, possibly before the sun is even up, sends shivers down their spine. We are often told that…....

Under the Spotlight
Jan 26, 2018
Danielle Jones
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. This month Martin Amor, the co-founder of Cosmic Kids, speaks to Virtalent about what they do, working from home and how it…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jan 25, 2018
Danielle Jones
There is a common myth in our society that is so part of the norm and accepted as truth that it barely ever gets challenged. It is the idea that “the more you work, the more you produce” or “the…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Jan 21, 2018
Danielle Jones
When growing your business, the time will inevitably come when you have to think about adding to your team. This can involve job adverts, shortlisting, interviewing and then selecting the right candidate. A process which can go one for some…....

Under the Spotlight
Jan 03, 2018
Danielle Jones
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. This month Tim Chorlton, the Director of Leeds based branding and marketing agency The Factory, speaks to Virtalent about the business, what…....

Dec 28, 2017
Danielle Jones
There is no denying that the art of marketing is not exactly a clear path. We try so many methods and strategies to find the right formula. It can be daunting and often overwhelming to make the right choice for…....

Dec 18, 2017
Danielle Jones
In this day and age of relentless social media, emails and Google Adwords, you would be forgiven for thinking that digital marketing IS marketing. Nothing is worth doing unless it is in a digital format. Well, the irony is that…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Dec 08, 2017
Danielle Jones
There comes a time in any businesses development when a decision needs to be made about growing. Is it time to hire new team members to help the company develop? It is often quite a big commitment. One of the…....

Under the Spotlight

Jan 01, 1970
Danielle Jones
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. This month Jazz Singh, the CEO and Founder of the Future Leaders Club speaks to Virtalent about his social enterprise, what drives…....

Nov 28, 2017
Danielle Jones
As a business, you can’t ignore the impact of a great website. In this day and age, any new client or customer is almost certainly going to go straight to the web to see what you are about. They will…....

Nov 15, 2017
Danielle Jones
As any business owner knows, building a successful team is not an easy task. Juggling the needs of different team members can be extremely challenging. Then striking the right balance in order to give the team the drive you desire…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Nov 05, 2017
Danielle Jones
The sales are coming in, your work is mounting but you are struggling to find the time to fit it all in. What do you do next? Hire some help of course. When your time is being squeezed you need…....

Oct 27, 2017
Danielle Jones
As a business, you would be nowhere without customers. They are your lifeblood. It is curious then that so many businesses ignore one of the most important aspects of marketing; knowing who your customer actually is. Building an ideal customer…....

Oct 15, 2017
Danielle Jones
As a business owner, you have to be prepared to wear many different hats. You have to be a salesperson, a motivator and an accountant. You are required to have a handle across so many disciplines. One of the most…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Oct 08, 2017
Danielle Jones
So, you have made the decision that you need some help. You have looked at your diary and realised that any extra pair of hands will boost your business. You have carried out your research and decided it is time…....

Sep 28, 2017
Danielle Jones
As a business owner, it is important to always have the customers wants and needs at the forefront of your mind. Given that they are the people who use your products, they are the single most important aspect of your…....

Personal Effectiveness
Sep 15, 2017
Danielle Jones
As someone who is running a business, your time is your most valuable asset. Making sure you make the most of your schedule is essential to your success and your bottom line. The only problem is you are so limited…....

Personal Effectiveness

Jan 01, 1970
Danielle Jones
One of the most challenging aspects of building any business is how to create habits within yourself to give you the best chance to succeed. In fact, this is one of the toughest things to do in life. Habits are…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Aug 14, 2017
Danielle Jones
As a business owner, one of the most challenging aspects of growing your company is building a great team. There are so many different things to consider. Where will they work from? What skills do they need? How much will…....

Aug 08, 2017
Danielle Jones
Coaching is fast becoming one of the most sought after services in business. It has gone from near obscurity to being on the mind of even the most traditional companies. With this growth comes competition. There are coaches popping up…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jul 15, 2017
Danielle Jones
Work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep. This is often an all too familiar pattern of lifestyle when you are running your own business. There never seems to be time for anything else. You are constantly being pulled in so many…....

Jun 19, 2017
Danielle Jones
According to the Direct Marketing Association’s latest report, email continues to be the highest-performing marketing channel out there. Now 98% of emails sent are successfully delivered compared to 87% just 7 years ago. The technology has moved on and improved.…....

May 28, 2017
Danielle Jones
Following the aftermath of yet another cyber attack, this time in the form of the the Wannacry ransomware attack, it is more important than ever to back up important data and files. Cloud storage solutions offer a cheap, reliable and…....

May 10, 2017
Danielle Jones
A content marketing strategy is more important for businesses now than ever before. But, why is this I hear you ask? Well, according to Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2B marketers are creating more content now than ever before. We’ve listed…....

Apr 27, 2017
We are very proud to say that the quality of our talent pool is improving every day and we believe we now have some of the most talented VAs in our industry working on Virtalent client accounts. But how do…....

Apr 18, 2017
Our team often get asked why we are called “Virtalent” or even, “how do I pronounce it?”. Today I wanted to explain the meaning and relevance of our brand name to our mission as a company in the Virtual Assistant industry.…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Apr 07, 2017
Early Stage Business Growth You thought of an idea, built a product, found your first customers, generated revenue and learnt a lot along the way. The hard part is over, right? Starting a business isn’t easy, however, even more difficulties…....

Mar 26, 2017
Google Analytics is a software tool that website owners can use to track their traffic and find out how visitors interact with their site. It is free for the basic version, which has more than enough features for the average business owner to…....

Personal Effectiveness
Mar 24, 2017
We all lead busy lives, constantly running out of time, flitting from one thing to another and the stress that runs alongside this plays a regular part in our daily life. With the constant plates we are spinning, if’s hard…....

Personal Effectiveness
Mar 13, 2017
You might not be surprised to learn that getting up early is a general trait among almost all “successful” people. If you’re reaching for the snooze button when that alarm kicks off and yearning for another five minutes, here are…....

Mar 08, 2017
In honour of International Women’s Day and the call to #BeBoldForChange to help forge a better working world, we thought we would do our own reflection on the amazing talent that we have here at Virtalent. The majority of our…....

Personal Effectiveness
Mar 06, 2017
Finding ways to get more things done is not always easy. If you have a busy lifestyle and there simply doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day, then see if our top tips below can make you more productive:…....

Personal Effectiveness
Feb 16, 2017
Entrepreneurs lead busy lives. Fact. Starting up businesses, getting ideas off the ground and putting in the hard yards to succeed is all part and parcel of the entrepreneurial calling. If you’re finding it all a bit too much, taking some time…....

Jan 22, 2017
While Twitter and Facebook are usually the first social media sites businesses choose to use, especially when starting up, other platforms such as Instagram can be just as valuable, if not more so. Instagram is a photo sharing app that has…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jan 03, 2017
Working from home can be a liberating and rewarding experience, but can also be a challenge for many entrepreneurs and professionals. You may have your home office set up complete with all the essentials you need to get your head…....

Dec 20, 2016
So called “productivity suites” have become increasingly important for business. They are the simple to use tools we can access to create documents and spreadsheets, keep track of our email and use on any device, whether we are working in…....

Nov 24, 2016
Any successful newsletter has a number of important components which are all designed to engage readers and encourage conversions. Getting it right requires attention to detail as well as a pretty good idea of what your subscribers are looking for.…....

Nov 16, 2016
At some point, when your business is beginning to catch fire and become successful, you’re going to want to hire more staff. This can be a daunting prospect for new entrepreneurs and getting the right people on site can be…....

Nov 08, 2016
The notion of large corporations making up the rules as they go along and turning into hungry, money making machines at the beck and call of shareholders is far removed from the experience of most companies. Sustainability in business has…....

Personal Effectiveness
Oct 24, 2016
Any business owner will tell you that one of the major challenges they face is getting the right work life balance and learning to cope with stress. For any business owner there are a hundred and one different things to do –…....

Oct 11, 2016
If your company has been moving along quite nicely since you started but you now want to implement strategies for growth, the prospect of doubling in size will no doubt be appealing. While SME growth is top of many a…....

Under the Spotlight
Oct 05, 2016
Each month we showcase some of the fantastic stories our community of business owners and professionals have to share. Over the past month or two, the team at Virtalent have been working intensively to support Karina Melvin, Founder of Artful Eating, who…....

Personal Effectiveness
Oct 04, 2016
Taking a small business to the next level is the ambition of most entrepreneurs. Some businesses start up and stay at the same level, often because the owner wants it to remain manageable, while others suddenly begin to blossom and…....

Sep 27, 2016
While it might seem sensible to put your nose to the grindstone and keep going no matter what, stepping back and taking a look at your competitors and what they are up to can be extremely beneficial. If you want…....

Sep 20, 2016
If you don’t measure performance in business and measure it correctly, the chances are you won’t be able to create the kind of infrastructure that drives you forward and leads to success. While it’s not the only thing that is…....

Personal Effectiveness

Jan 01, 1970
The importance of having a business mentor cannot be underestimated. Most successful businessmen and women will readily admit they would not have got where they are today without good advice and support. A mentor provides more than just helpful tips.…....

Aug 26, 2016
If you run a business and are looking at ways to engage staff, keep customers and create some of healthy and enjoyable competition, then gamification might be just the thing you are looking for. Essentially, gamification rewards users for taking…....

Personal Effectiveness
Aug 14, 2016
Stoicism is a philosophical practice that is perfect for the real world. If you want to better overcome obstacles, approach challenges with a greater degree of success and be more resilient in business, you can learn a lot from this…....

Jun 23, 2016
Responding to customers on social media can be an obstacle for even the most savvy social media expert. Even the Prime Minister summed up – in his own eloquent way – the problems we can all face on social media.…....

Jun 06, 2016
So, it’s the 21st century, your UK sales are stagnating, and thanks to technological developments, it’s easier than over to expand your business abroad. “British products and services are in demand, and exploring overseas avenues delivers huge growth potential” according…....

May 24, 2016
Pushing your site up on Google’s search rankings is hard work, especially if you are competing against much bigger industry players. Yet, with the correct strategy and some powerful keyword research tools, it certainly is possible to make some noticeable gains in…....

May 12, 2016
Need to speed up your WordPress site? Every second counts. According to Kissmetrics, 47% of consumers will expect an e-commerce website to load in under 2 seconds and 44% of online shoppers will tell their friends about a bad experience online.…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Apr 22, 2016
Why should your business consider using a Virtual Assistant? Take a look at our 60 second explanation video and find out more.....

Personal Effectiveness
Apr 08, 2016
Are you already a successful entrepreneur? You will already be familiar with the reality of starting a business in that case. It took a lot more time, money and commitment than you thought it would, right? Fortunately (though it certainly doesn’t feel like it…....

Feb 16, 2016
Want to better motivate your team? New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author Dan Pink looks at the best ways to motivate your team in his TED talk. Extrinsic motivation methods try to motivate people through external means; essentially setting goals which earn them reward if completed. This could be…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jan 21, 2016
Running a small business can be extremely difficult. Some days you can feel “on top of the world”, with everything going exactly to plan and you feeling highly effective in your role as a Company Director, whereas others can leave you…....

Jan 18, 2016
Bootstrapping your business isn’t usually the first line of many unicorn fairytale stories. When starting a business, many entrepreneurs believe there is fairytale to fulfil. Come up with great idea, start on your quest to find the elusive unicorn, discover a wide…....

Personal Effectiveness
Dec 12, 2015
As a follow up to our popular blog post entitled “The Guide to Ultimate Productivity”, which included a great infographic, we thought we would create a video version. Enjoy watching and please feel free to share!....

Nov 15, 2015
In today’s constantly connected world, customer engagement through excellent customer service is key for many businesses. One wrong move, and your customer can be all over social media complaining about your service. In fact, 76% of consumers say they view…....

Sep 12, 2015
We understand how you can often become stuck in a rut when trying to come up with marketing ideas for our small business. Virtalent’s team of Virtual Assistants are here to offer their advice and help you out. Our team can help with market research, writing…....

Outsourcing & VAs
Aug 24, 2015
Good news – the world of work is changing! Bad news – this is because you are working longer. There’s a steady shift on the horizon surrounding the world of work. In the ever-changing and technology dependent world we live…....

Jul 03, 2015
The two Founders of Virtalent, Sam Wilson and Ellie Bekalo, were interviewed by The Sunday Times. Below you can read the original article by the Small Business Editor, Kiki Loizou, published on 28th June 2015. Here’s the official release: “It…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jun 09, 2015
What does being a leader mean? Being charismatic, strong, confident, self-assured and so on. But what defines a great leader goes beyond these characteristics. Virtalent takes a look at the leadership skills you can develop in order to become a…....

Personal Effectiveness
Dec 16, 2014
Public speaking comes naturally for some of us. Yet for others, it can be one of the most daunting experiences. Here are our top 10 tips. Look people in the eye Firstly, you want to begin by looking your audience…....

Dec 09, 2014
When starting out as a company, it can become incredibly difficult to market your business, especially when you’re relying on a basic social media presence to provide you with your first few sources of income. So what are the benefits…....

Personal Effectiveness
Dec 02, 2014
As an entrepreneur, it can be the most exciting time of your life when you’re about to embark on your entrepreneurial journey. As self-assured individuals, we have a confidence that drives our desire to be an entrepreneur, but it’s also…....

Nov 18, 2014
There’s only so far you can go in business before you either a) start running out of cash or b) actually need cash. Once you have reached this point, you realise that you may need to start thinking about funding.…....

Nov 11, 2014
Social Media Marketing is a key element of any business. Whether we like to admit it or not, reaching people via social media has become one of the main forms of communication. Although there are many free channels and ways…....

Nov 07, 2014
There are some clear rules when it comes to writing press releases. “Is this news relevant?” That is the first question you need to address when writing a press release. Press releases are modern and up-to-date means of communication. This…....

Oct 20, 2014
Hello and welcome back to our “sales for busy entrepreneurs” blog series, following the post we wrote last month covering the essentials you need to know before professionalising your sales strategy. Now we’d like to discuss lead generation. In this…....

Oct 14, 2014
Twitter has been around, in one form or other, for over 1o years. Despite how long this social media channel has been around, there are many that have not ventured into the Twitterverse. Still not sure of the basics? You…....

Personal Effectiveness
Oct 09, 2014
It is important to decide on your own “game plan” (and actually stick to it!) if you want to realise your own personal ambitions. Remember, you should think of your business as a means to get where you want to be…....

Personal Effectiveness
Sep 30, 2014
Telling yourself to focus on one thing at a time may seem straightforward, and perhaps even obvious, but there are still so many people that we come into contact with that do try to do everything at once. This is not…....

Personal Effectiveness
Sep 23, 2014
Are you struggling to motivate yourself? Have you tried and failed to increase your motivation? Growing a business is hard work, but there is one simple trick that you can play on your mind to increase your motivation. Trust us, it really works!…....

Sep 09, 2014
Recently we’ve spoken to a lot of small business owners who are great at selling their product/service, but struggle to recruit the right salespeople or understand whether their marketing partners really know what they’re doing. Why is this? Simply because they don’t understand some…....

Jul 16, 2014
We love saving entrepreneurs and small business owners as much of their valuable time as possible. At Virtalent, we take care of those tiresome tasks that crop up in the day-to-day running of your business, so that you can focus on…....

Personal Effectiveness
Jul 09, 2014
We can all admit that there have been days when productivity hasn’t been as high as we’d have liked. Working at an optimum level of productivity can be hard to maintain, and very often it can seem that when we…....

Jun 22, 2014
There are two types of newsletter that can fill your inbox: the one you read and the one you don’t. How can you ensure that employees, businesses or the general public engage with your newsletter? We have created 10 easy steps that can…....